Karina Davis Made in Normandy is a registered micro-entreprise business in France
SIRET number: 79029709700012
Owner: Karina Davis
Address: 6B rue de Denneville 50390 NEHOU
Phone number: +33 6 83 72 79 88
Email: contact@karinadavis.fr
Website: www.karinadavis.fr
Website host provider: Wix Online Platform Limited
Address: 1 Grant's Row, Dublin 2 D02HX96 Ireland
Telephone: Click here
All of the visuals on the www.karinadavis.fr site are the exclusive property of Karina Davis unless otherwise specified.
The site www.karinadavis.fr as a whole, as well as the elements which compose it constitute intellectual works protected by articles L.111-1 and following of the Code of the intellectual property. The use of all or part of the information on the www.minipop.fr site by downloading, reproduction, transmission, representation or distribution for purposes other than for personal and private use for non-commercial purposes of the Internet user is strictly prohibited. Violation of these provisions subjects its author to the penalties provided for both by the French Intellectual Property Code, in particular for copyright infringement (article L.335-3), trademark law (article L.716-9 ) than by the Civil Code in matters of civil liability (article 9, articles 1382).
The above has been translated into English in order to facilitate the understanding of the document, but they are of no legal value, only the French text shall prevail in the event of a dispute.